Academic theater directing


The Most Popular Person In The World has died! Naomi strives to replace her. Eli joins the Terrified of Death Club. And when club-leader Nelson gets a terminal diagnosis, all three must reevaluate friendship — fast. A buddy tragicomedy about people with no buddies except for a dead raccoon named Buddy.

DHW was a never-before workshopped play when I first met it. Over a month of pre-production, I worked with Lauren through several new drafts of the script. Using initial staging as a chance to workshop, we continued the editing process into rehearsals.

I directed the play, designed the sound, and created a simple set that could work in rep while still allowing a small but key set of revelations.

Performed at Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2017
(Lighting by Ying Huo)
and Ars Nova ANT Fest, Summer 2018
(Lighting by Jacob Wesson)

The For or the grape? - by Jordan Barsky


Set in a 24 hour diner on the border of Bellevue and Avalon, PA, local citizens face themselves, each other, and the reality of life in the shadow of the dangerous pollution coming from Shenango Coke Works on Neville Island. Drawn from interviews with the Allengheny County community and based on real events, The Fox Or The Grape? is an ecological drama about home, family, and the choice to make life better. 

As with all 100% new plays, I started on this project by working as closely as I could with Jordan to workshop his text through staging, and to help grow the piece into the strongest version of itself. As a play constructed of moments, built from interview material, I focused on finding ways to let the naturalness of the conversation breathe, while remaining theatrically exciting and active within an alley configuration.

I directed the play, and designed the sound and set for repertory.

Performed at Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2018
(Lighting by John Mitchell)